Math Class Arithmetic for Grades K-8

- Contains over 2500 interactive Lesson pages on basic math skills for grades K-8.
- All Grades from Kindergarten through eighth are on one CD making the software valuable for years.
- Each lesson has an explanation of the concept being studied, an unlimited number of practice problems are generated and several challenge games are available on each page
- Immediate feedback prevents learning the wrong method by practicing it without immediate correction.
List Price: $19.95
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Product Description
AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts. A wide range of lessons (Kindergarten through Eighth grade level) enables learning or review to occur at each individual's current level.Immediate feedback prevents practicing and learning incorrect methods, which is a common result of traditional homework and worksheets. Practice can continue as long as desired in a non-threatening format which helps build self-esteem and confidence.Why it Works: Immediate feedback is a primary strength of this approach to learning math. Normal homework and worksheets have the flaw of allowing the student to repeatedly practice problems without correction until later. If the student is using an incorrect method, the incorrect method is learned through repeated practice. Immediate feedback in the MathClass lessons gives positive feedback and prevents practicing and learning incorrect methods.Works at Student's Level: The student's ability to work at their own level and pace allows mastery of each topic before tackling a new skill. Review of previous skills is easy because lessons from kindergarten through 8th grade are included on the CD. Each lesson provides unlimited practice by generating as many problems as required. This allows students to practice until they are confident they have mastered the skill.Valuable for Years: The CD will be valuable to a family for many years while the children are in elementary school. It can also be used to review basic math before college entrance exams or to refresh math skills needed in everyday life.Improves Self Confidence: These math lessons help students prove to themselves that they are able to learn math and become good at math skills. Repeated success in a non-threatening environment helps renew their self confidence in their ability to learn math and other subjects.
Problem Solving Decks (K-8) - Mathematics Mathematics Resources Instructional Resources Other DPI Math Resources Problem Solving Decks (K-8) ... Deck A: Grades 1 & 2 Deck A Cover and Introduction AAA Math AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. ... AAA Math features a comprehensive set of ... (Kindergarten through Eighth grade ... About Teaching Mathematics: A K-8 Resource 2nd Edition: DALE ... I have used the activities as extra-credit projects for my 9th grade math class. ... is about teaching arithmetic ... the Math You Teach Grades K-8, ... Marilyn Burns Marilyn Burns Education Associates Math Solutions ... ... Teaching Arithmetic, Grades 16; ... and Math and Literature, Grades K8. ... Her other books include Writing in Math Class and A Collection of Math Lessons ... Math Class Arithmetic for Grades K-8: Software AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts ... Store: Math Software: Math Class Arithmetic for Grades K-8 Math Class Arithmetic for Grades K-8 - Software - Math Software - Store -- the best place to shop for math supplies. Introduction to Mathematics for Elementary Teachers ... An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8, fourth edition. ... Arithmetic Examination for Math ... Since getting behind in a math class is one of the most ... Math Class CD Features of the Math Class CD. Contains all the lessons from the AAAKnow and AAA Math web sites plus many more. Over 2000 Arithmetic lesson pages for grades K-8. Foundations for Teaching Math - Courses - Math Solutions Arithmetic Measurement Geometry ... and organize instruction for whole-class, ... Grades K8. Resource Materials: Math Matters: Understanding the Math You ... Marilyn Burns, Founder - Math Solutions - Professional Development ... ... an organization dedicated to the improvement of math instruction in grades K8. ... Writing in Math Class, Teaching Arithmetic, Lessons for Algebraic Thinking, ...