StarOffice 6.0

List Price: $75.95
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StarOffice is an affordable office productivity suite that runs on multiple operating systems, including the Solaris Operating Environment, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. This office suite has a simple, easy-to-use interface and contains full-featured applications with word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, graphics, and database capabilities. StarOffice is also fully compatible with other office suites, including Microsoft Office.
With the StarOffice suite you get tools for word processing, developing spreadsheets, making presentations, creating graphics, editing photos, publishing to the Web, and using data from relational databases. All StarOffice applications are integrated, which means they share the same basic menu commands, toolbars, and function keys, so you can get your work done faster. In addition, StarOffice Draw, the included graphics application, lets you add diagrams and graphics to StarOffice documents with a wide variety of drawing tools and templates.
In this latest version StarOffice software improves on the best Microsoft Office import and export filters available today. StarOffice 6.0 supports editable Microsoft Office OLE objects, auto shapes, frames, charts, and form controls. The StarOffice 6.0 release also integrates e-mail, including Netscape Messenger and Address Book, to send documents as e-mails directly from StarOffice modules. It also offers new levels of encryption to password-protect text documents and spreadsheets.
OpenOffice Coder On StarOffice 6.0's Beta Release - Slashdot was there last night when "Max Lanfranconi of the OpenOffice project spoke to the Silicon Valley Linux User Group on Wednesday morning's release 6.0 of ... StarOffice Users Group Portal StarOffice Users Portal ... StarOffice 9 Download Get StarOffice 9 for as low as $14.95 StarOffice 8 Download Introduction to StarOffice 6.0 and 1.0 One-Minute ... If you're considering jumping the Microsoft Office ship, but are worried about the quality of the other players, read this introduction to StarOffice 6.0 and ... StarOffice 6.0 Lives Up to its Name Review & Rating StarOffice 6.0 Office Suite (single-copy direct price, $75.99) isn't a giant killer, but it is a good multiplatform alternative to Microsoft Office. Sun's product ... Download StarOffice for Linux - Linux Software at Download StarOffice 6.0 - StarOffice Free office suite. ... StarOffice, Free office suite. Updated by Editors on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. StarOffice 6.0 Office Suite Companion (Sun Microsystems Press ... The user-friendly guide to mastering StarOffice Office Suite and The user-friendly, task-based guide to StarOffice 6.0 Office Suite and ... StarOffice 6.0 Software - News about Oracle's Solaris and Sun Hardware StarOffice TM 6.0 software, the highly anticipated, full-featured office productivity suite that runs across multiple platforms, including Linux, Solaris OE and ... StarOffice 6.0 Office Suite TM - Oracle Documentation StarOfficeTM 6.0 Office Suite A SunTM ONE Software Offering Basic Programmer's Guide Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 StarOffice 6.0: Software StarOffice is an affordable office productivity suite that runs on multiple operating systems, including the Solaris Operating Environment, Microsoft Windows, and ... StarOffice 6.0 and StarSuite 6.0 Software Pack Repriced Prices on the StarOffice TM 6.0 and StarSuite TM 6.0 Small and Medium Business Pack (SMB) are changing from $1,750 to $1,500. The package includes a 25-user license ...